So the problem with turning 60 and saying you're going to do a big thing is that then you have to do a big thing. Or else you're just a Gembeh (big mouth), Gevalt!
So, I'm starting to do my big thing, which is to apply to The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction degree, a two-year limited residency program at the University of King's College. Le gulp.
At the end of two years, the program description says, "you'll have a degree, a polished book proposal, and a substantial portion of your finished nonfiction manuscript." Wowzers! This is my dream program. And I've put off applying for many years now, because it just seemed like actually going for it was impossible. But suddenly, on the deep end diving board of 59+, things seem possible!

And putting things on paper, like travelling to Vilna to do research, talking more with my mother-in-law in Israel, working with my translator on the family letters - it all takes on a shape that has lived inside my head for such a long time. And people look at me, nod in agreement, and don't try to talk me out of my mashuggah (crazy) idea. It's very cool. And I can't stop grinning like an idiot. Wonder if I'll do that for two years?

Master of Fine Arts.....wowzers. I'd better gib zich a traisel (get a move on).
