We are onboard! After much packing and repacking, and unpacking, we are on our way to Tel Aviv, and then to Rishon. I'm having my customary power drink of choice, (rye and ginger), and Hubby is immersed in a show. Chin chin! Or should I say, Kadimah!

It's always a last minute scramble....watering plants (there are 18 upstairs alone, our neighbour's eyes opened wide when he saw the downstairs ones he'd agreed to look after), sending out final press releases into the wee hours, packing the lighter purse (new, unrippable!) cleaning out the fridge, etc., etc.
It would really help if I loved flying. But my power drink is kicking in and I'm already feeling teary-eyed, thinking of hugging Bela.
On the drive to the airport, a friendly taxi driver told us much of his life story, after offering that he was originally from Persia. He seems like someone who has worked incredibly hard, and who has had, as he admitted, incredibly bad luck in life. He and Hubby compared war and army sevice stories,and again I asked myself why do decent men and women have to go to these stupid wars?
Given recent world events, I had come very close to not going on this trip at all.
We are all so connected, our driver knowing many of our dear Persian musician friends, and he and Hubby with so much in common from awful time spent in Egypt, to missing family far away.
The only good thing I can say about the tragedy is that the outpouring of grief and anger across Canada is so strong. We are all one, and if only our united humanity and common decency could topple dictators!
Our driver thinks the former Shah's son would soon take power, and that this evil regime will be no more. From his lips to G-d's ear.
May all our dear Persian friends feel the arms of love of their adopted country, and may the Shekinah embrace us all in our travels in peace.
From high above our home and native land, Amen.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab® E
